MY hair is so thick! how do i take the bulk out?
also i am planning to grow it out about 5 inches past my shoulders, will it stay the same thickness all the way or will it thin out?
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
Try layering your hair. And if you grow your hair longer, the heavier it is, and your scalp will feel like it has a load tugging it. Experience! :P =P
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
it will start thinning out but ask ur hair person to thinnin it my hair used to be think but now its thin
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
Oh uh well...Try straightning it,it just your normal hair you have to get it done someway to fix it.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
It stays the same! I hate my thick hair 2, just never ever get it thined. I learned the hard way.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
get it cut in layers it looks less thick.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
mine mom just straigtens it out because if you get a pirm it will make your hair nonhealty. just wash it and ask a hair dresser or, your mom to straighten it
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
My whole family has this problem. Easily solved, just go to any haircutting place and ask to have your hair thinned. They have special scissors that will thin your hair as much or as little as you like. I have my hair thinned and it's much nicer.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
dont thin it out TOO much or it will look either stringy or just way too thin, ask your hair stylist to thin it out some and maybe not so many layers if you have them
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
I will start being all cheesy and say that you should be happy cause I'd love to thick hair. Lol, but sadly... if you plan to grow it out, it will still stay thick. Do you plan to use a hair straightener?
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
oh i hate that, i have really thick hair too and since i cut it short its been a mess. to get it to feel thinner i have been blow drying it then straightening it. but if you want to grow your hair long thats not something you want too do. before i cut my hair it was down to my butt. but it was all dead from all the blow drying and stuff so beware of that. and yes as it got longer it seemed a little thinner.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
why would you want your hair thinner? i love having my thick hair
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
Your hairdresser can cut it in a certain way to make it appear and act thinner..without really even thinning it out. You really ought to love it...I mean, seriously...while everyone else is losing their hair and stuff, you should have quite a bit left! Embrace it, really. :)
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
You can use hair pins to style. I wish my hair is thicker!!!
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
1. Be happy your hair is thick.
2. When it gets long the weight will make it appear to be thinner than it really is.
3. If you can deal with it let it grow fairly long, then you can cut it off like I did and donate it to "Locks of Love".
I recently got 15 inches cut off. I know you would make someones day and they would love your thick hair after all the treatments they have gone through and losing their hair.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
Layer it and a hair stlyist can even thin it out for you... I get mine done and it is so nice!
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
yes. my hair is SO thick. ppl say i have thin hair cuz i straighten it.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
ask for thinner hair by whoever does ur hair
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
i hate my thick hair too!but my mom brought the thinning scissors and does it for me everytime she cuts my hair. i love it. after it grows out, it will get thicker, but you could always thin it out again. you could go to your barber to get it done, or if you know a good friend or relative that knows how to work a hair thinner, get them to do it for you. the best thing is to get layers. it works out well and it makes your hair look less thick. thats what i did.
MY hair is so thick! i hate it!?
You should get your hair layered. Your hair well look and feel thinner and it is more easy to manage.
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