i love my hair, but the day, and the day after i wash it its horrible.. really thick (even though ive had it thinned and layered at hairdressers) and frizzy. i have to leave it 3-4 days before it looks pretty much okay, but by then its starting to feel greasy ! ahh help
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
THAT IS SO ME!!! My hair is so frizzy and so thick that when in the past I tried to were it down I looked like a mountain Lion.Horrible!!! Then I found a new Hairdresser and he is great!He thin my hair out but didn't cut it in layers.Layers actually gives your hair more volume.And I bought a hair Iron and its my best friend.Make sure you get either the laser one or the ceramic one.Those are not so hard on your hair.Because I iron my hair everyday. I hate washing my hair because its a mission to dry it.So sometimes when I am in a hurry and its like the 2nd day or third day since I washed it, I put some baby powder in my hair.It takes the oil out a bit. Anyway I wash my hair with redken straightening shampoo and conditioner its really good for you hair also.And when I blow dry it I use one of those big round brushes. and then after that straighten it with the hair iron. I had bad hair days in the past I never wore my hair down and I never use to have time to make my hair look nice...Now its quick!
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
do rebonding
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
always in the winter my hair gets frizzy i think its just this weather cause yur hair had a change
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
maybe its the shampoo your using try a straighening shampoo
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
yea i have that same problem, it sucks. you can try john freida frizz ease products but it makes your hair feel heavy, so i get a relaxer every 3 months and it helps soooooo much. The kind I use is called Motions. good luck!
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
shampoo for frizzy hair? the best is to seek help from your hairdresser! =)
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
I think you need to find a better Hair Stylisy by the sounds of it.
You shoukd have regular Layers cut in, but then they should be able to take more thickness out, but slicing it.
You loose no length but it really works.
And as for the frizzyness, Tigi Products are the Best.
After party is fab, and once you have washed, dryed and straightened it, it will look FAB with this on it..
Hope this helps.x.
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
I have same problem as you and I don't know how to solve this...I'm sick and tired of my hair, though everyone says it's beautiful. I simply don't like frizzy and thick hair, I want it smooth and silky :((.
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner and the after youre dne washing it withconditioner come it out while its wet and in a shower thenif you have a hair straighting iron use it and staighten it while it is wet but there is a special hair iron for staighting it wet
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
this sounds just like my hair!!! try a calming shampoo and conditioner like frizz ease by john frieda and use the full steps 1-5 which is quite expensive, but lasts and really works - you have 5 steps -
1 - shampoo
2 - conditioner
3 - gel for wet hair
4 - spray for wet hair
5 - spray for dry to hold in place
it takes about half an hour to do my hair from wet to dry, if i leave it curly, and about an hour if i straighten it but these products keep it under control
they do do cheaper versions of each of these, but don't always work as good - try a few and see what you think
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
i have thick frizzy long hair....my solution is by a hair straightener from walmart and straighten my hair after its dried on its own ---other wise i get bad splitends--i like vidal sassoon gold--its worked the best out of 4 other ones i tried...it costs about $20-25 i think.....
also you can try sauve mouse or another de-frizz cream in your hair right after a shower while your hair is wet --dont do it every time though or your hair will start to get greazy
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
John Frieda does a product called Moisture barrier- if you use the Frizz ease hair serum and the Moisture barrier hair spray you should notice the difference.
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
You're stripping too much natural oil out of your hair when you wash it. You might try switching to a gentler shampoo or a more moisturising conditioner. If you're happy with your current products, try Frizz-Ease serum or a leave-in conditioner.
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
I use Biolage daily Leave - in Tonic after I wash my hair..and then brush through after you let it sit..then air dry..It takes ccare of any probls you got it also works a s a conditioner too..Ive had 8 inches of hair growth since I started using it..over a year ago..i love it. No firizzy no tangles..no nothin but Beautiful hair..try it Im sure you will love it..i do. I also use the John Freida shampoo this is a good shampoo to use..I been using it for about 2 years.
Hair.. frizzy and thick !?
Yeah. i hate when my hair gets frizzy. Try straightening your hair in the morning before you go out. It helps to control the fly aways and frizz. Also try special shampoo for your hair type that might help. John Freida works well with my hair! Hope that helps : D
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