Thursday, October 8, 2009

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

cause i was watching a video of me from 1 1/2 years ago and i was like, oh my god my hair was so thick and longish. now, my hair is thin(not like balding thin) and i cant grow it long, cause you know how your hair just naturally falls out at a certain length? well yeah so now it just wont grow past my shoulders. Why is that happening? P.S. im 14

ok my second question has nothing to do with this section at all, i just didnt want to post a whole new question. How come when a girl like slaps a guy across the face, its ok, but if a guy slaps a girl, it wrong? i mean, i dont think they should be slapping each other, but still, its kind of a double standard, right?

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

get a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. shampoo only the roots of your hair. do it every other day. condition every day, but let it soak for a few minutes and make sure you ring the water out before you put the conditioner in. use a deep conditioner (also called a hair mask) once a week. and if you blow dry your hair or style it with heat (straightner, curling iron, etc) make sure to put some sort of serum in to protect it first. your hair will get a little thicker because mine was thick and got thinner and i did that it grew back a little. as far as the length, some people just can't grow hair long. i can grow my hair long, but i use jessica simpson clip on hair extensions it saves so much time and hair damage, they're amazing!

as far as the girls hitting thing... it's a double standard. people think that because guys are usually stronger, they cant hit girls but girls can hit them. its stupid. no person has the right to lay a hand on any other person.

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

some times as you get older your hair changes get this product call dogrow i use it all the time and it help my hair

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

Hey. Well your hair is made of protein so if you dont have enough protein in your bady you hair can get thin and not very healthy looking. So try eating more fish and foods like that with lots of protien in them. If your hair is noticable thinner you can always ask your hairdresser to give you a new cut to make it less noticable. Im 14 too so i know how important nice hair is!!! haha..:) Good luck!--------------------Oh and the other question , i soo agree!! Its like a girl gets called a slut if she hooks up with alot of people and that but a guy gets praise for it!!

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

1. Often if you treat your hair too often with intensive chemicals it tends to thin out, and cutting your hair often from a certain length creates a growth barrier that your hair can't get past and will never grow past (most likely)

2. Yes its weird that a guy can't slap a girl but its mostly because a girl is slapping him to tell him shes ticked off but guys slaps can hurt a lot more as girls tend to be much more fragile than the boys. Also in this day and age of abuse, guys hitting girls is seen as a big no-no.

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

to make is grow longs you should not straighten/curl is (if you do) because is damages it and usually i get my hair trimmed every like 6 or 7 weeks so it stays healthy and don't switch shampoos and conditioners a lot

Okay two questions. 1, my hair used to be thick and stuff...?

im 15, and im trying to grow my hair too but its taking for ages, try to have it cut like every 6 weeks, it helps and helps it stay in good health, drink plenty of water thats always a good one, and dont straightern it , you should only straightern it once a week max, and if that doesnt work, ask your hairdresser,

and to your second question, i dont really no the answer to be honest but i hate violence and boys hitting girls is deffently wrong because there so much bigger, but in my school i have girls that just treat boys like rubbish and it annoys me so much, so i tend to be extra nice to them lol. but i dont think girls should hit boys either, coz they cant hit them back.

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