Sunday, July 26, 2009

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

I've been shaving for a while now, and my leg hair is GROSS..Its thick, dark, and really bad. But i cant help shaving when i have to wear shorts or something...are there any ways to make it like lighter..or less noticeable??

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

I have the same problem!!! But I found a solution... There is a lotion from Aveeno that after about 4 weeks makes your hair thinner and easier to shave. If you use it right after shaving then it feels tingly and a bit like razor burn, but it is totally worth it in the long run! Try it, otherwise there is one from Jergens also. Less expensive and it takes longer, but works just as well.

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

if you get a sex change it wouldnt be a problem

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

well how old are you and dose your mom know like i have the same problem

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

waxing can help some. ripping it out will damage some of the hair follicles, so it won't grow back so heavy. don't use nair if it's really thick, it'll just burn your skin and leave the hair. that's what depilatories do to me.

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

Well, a lot of women shave every day in order to have smooth legs all of the time. You could try an at home waxing kit or a chemical hair remover like Nair.

If you can afford it, salon waxing would be an option, and the ultimate solution would be laser hair removal.

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

wax it

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

It hurts like a bugger, but with hair like that you could try waxing instead. I waxed my legs before I went camping and had hardly any growth for about 2 weeks.

THICK, Dark, LEG hair problem...anyone else??

few ideas:

1) get a tan- then the hairs will not be too noticable

2) laser hair removal- I personnally don't trust it

3) bleach- will make them lighter

4) go out in the dark then no one will see (magic!)

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