Sunday, July 26, 2009

What haircut do I get for my thick, coarse wavy hair?

I have poofy and thick medium length wavy hair. I want to thin it out, but kind of have a medium almost shaggy look (kind of like the Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Eric Bana look). After reading around online, I think what I need to do is get layers.

Is layers what I need to do? What exactly do I tell the barber?

What are the different kinds of layers?

What other cuts can I get to get this medium/shaggy-like look?

Please help! I don't know anything about this stuff?!

What haircut do I get for my thick, coarse wavy hair?

you need layers.

in other words a beach look.

if your a boy go with the layers.

if your a girl get a side frindge with layers, it will really compliment you waves!!


tell the barber to layer your hair

What haircut do I get for my thick, coarse wavy hair?

long layers and side bangs it will look good especially if you have brunette hair just look @ miley cirus or if u have blonde hair look @ ashley tisdale's hair to get an idea wait......if your a boy then you are alone mabey you can look on google images on mitchel musso

What haircut do I get for my thick, coarse wavy hair?

I know exactly how you feel. I am part Aboriginal and I have really thick, long wavy to curly hair and it is so unmanageable. I got to the point that I got sick and tired of my hair getting so knotted that I had to go to the salon and have it all cut off. If you don't brush your hair atleast 3-4 times a day then it can get so knotted that you can't brush your hair at all. That happened to my 3 times before I finally worked out what to do. I asked about 2 dozen salons for help and then worked out what was the answer that was mostly given. That was using V05 Hot Oil Treatment. Also get the V05 Salon Shampoo and Conditioner for Long Dry Curly Hair. It works for wavy and curly hair and it works great. I saw someone say to get layers cut into your hair, but these days that can cost a heap. The shampoo and conditioner I suggested does the exact same thing as layering. The shampoo and conditioner actually seals split ends and takes care of all the frizz, which can be the worst problem. The V05 takes care of that. It also nurishes your hair so your hair is smooth and soft feeling. It also helps when you brush your hair that stops the knotting. If you also get the V05 Hot Oil Treatment for usage after the shower then just 2 applications of around 5 small drops will nourish your hair for a whole week. When you use it with the shampoo and conditioner it actually causes a protective lining over your hair to protect it. V05 is the best I have ever used and if you try it for 2 weeks, using the shampoo and conditioner 2 times a week and the Hot Oil Treatment 2 times a week, then you will see amazing results and you can buy all 3 packs of the Shapoo and Conditioner and the Hot Oil Treatment all in one single pack. It has the 3 seperate containers, but they come packed together for a small price of $10.00 Australian Dollars. I think that is worth a lot better then spending $60 or more to get layers or any other hair cut as the hair salons charge us more because of our hair length and type of thickness. Rediculous I know, but that's what they charge people by. It's a well known fact that if a man and woman who have the same hair style go into the same store and ask for the same haircut, then the female will be charged up to 3 or 4 times the amount of cost than the amle would. Sexist I know but that's the way it is. I really hope this helps you as it did to me and it's a lot cheaper then what the hair cut would cost. Atleast try it out for a couple of weeks and see for yourself and if it doesn't work for you, then I will pay you for your loss, that's a promise because I know the V05 Hot Oil treament works and I will stake my reputation on it.

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