Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.

You've been living under a rock you whole life! Ever heard of Cheech and Chong? Maybe not. Cheech is bald now! Go watch some TV!

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Go to Los Angeles and find a street gang. They're all bald Mexicans.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Yeah, I have actually. I really dont get this question.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Si . . . is in the jeans . . .

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Hmmm...come to think of it, I can't really think of seeing many, if any.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Can you convert? Under my red hat, I got nothing.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Yes, I have.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

haha. That's really funny you say that. I don't think I have either. My dad is in his late 50's and he has not lost any's turning gray , but it is all there. My grandpa wasn't even bald either. Maybe it's the picante we eat.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Now that you mention that, I guess its true. I never have seen a bald Mexican and I live near the border and work with plenty of Mexicans so I have met quite a few. I also want to say that Mexicans are fine people, some of the best people I know, and I wish the nonsense about immigration would just go away.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

Actually I don't think I have ever seen a Latino with a receding hairline now that you mention it. I'm sure they must exist to but since it is genetics it is perfectly logical that there may be a low genetic incidence in certain races.

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

i seen a blad mexican once. she was hot

Have you ever seen a bald Mexican? I don't think I have. They all seem to have such thick hair.?

That's because it doesn't happen. No bald Mexicans. Good genes... It's ok. Sooner or later, everyone will have a full head of hair and baldness will be cured forever. You know why? Because everyone will procreate with a Mexican someday. Even the ones that claim to hate them. hehehehe

1 comment:

  1. I saw one with thinned hair and thought I to myself I never saw a bald one.
