Saturday, August 1, 2009

I want to get a perm but I have really thick hair.....?

Is there a certian type of perm that would work to give me just a nice wave and not make it to fluffy?

I want to get a perm but I have really thick hair.....?

I too have really thick thick, hair. I am 31 and have always thought about getting a perm, since about 15. Anytime I ask the hairdresser about it, I am told that I would be terribly disappointed with the outcome. I recommend, staying away from perms. I have grown to like my straight hair, and when I want a bit of a wave, I use a fat barreled curling iron with some anti-frizz serum. I LOVE the product zero-frizz.

I want to get a perm but I have really thick hair.....?

Hairdressers don't like to do perms cause it is messy and stinks, and makes their hands stink for days. But I have gotten them before and in my hair they turn out great and lost for about a year.

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