Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is Chinese hair thick?

Is it considered thick?

Is Chinese hair thick?

No just normal - but it might be that it has a different type of texture to it.

Is Chinese hair thick?

it's not thick, there's no doubt about that, but it's not thin, either. I'd guess somewhere in the middle.

Is Chinese hair thick?

uhh... it can range from thin to very thick.

Is Chinese hair thick?

You can't generalize for the hair of all Chinese people, but I would say it ranges from thin to medium thick.

Is Chinese hair thick?

Yeah some is thick meduim or thick i'm half chinese and my hair is extremely thick and i can't do much with it !!!!!

Is Chinese hair thick?

Chinese hair can range from fine to thick but in terms of hair strength, Mongoloid hair is generally a lot stronger than those of Caucasoid or ******* and is used to make wigs.

Is Chinese hair thick?

Is a piece of string long?

Depends on the individual

Is Chinese hair thick?

the individual hairs are quite thick , the quantity of hair- usually medium

Is Chinese hair thick?

I dun think hair depends on wat race you are...rather, it depends on individual, some chinese can have thick hair or thin hair too....

Is Chinese hair thick?

depends on the individual really...

i've met some with really thick hair and some with really thin hair and some in between...

mine is quite thick cuz my grandad reportedly shaved me bald and rubbed my scalp with whisky when i was a month old... (it's a chinese custom to have ur hair shaved or cut when ur a month old)

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